Monday, February 24, 2014

11 Weeks

Here we are, 11 weeks to go!  I have to say I am feeling AMAZING!

Added in cardio this last week, kept my calories the same and just that bit of added cardio really made a difference.

I was so, so happy when we did my measurements and body fat yesterday.  I was fully expecting my weight to be higher and body fat about the same.  Well my weight is down to 144 and my body fat is 15%!  This is my happy place right now, maintainable, still strong in all of my lifts, enough energy to do cardio.  At this moment I know I can maintain this body fat on a daily basis off season and that makes me happy :)

So here is what happened with my measurements.

Shoulders - Same (damn it, I want those wings BIGGER)
Arms - Same
Waist - Down 3/4 of an inch :)
Thighs - Grew another 3/4 of an inch
Chest - Down 1 1/3 inch, not a bad thing, just means my actual boobs are getting smaller again which means less fat :)

Very, very happy with my measurements, so is Kyle.  Always a good sign when you grow a bit in some area but still lose some pounds and body fat, I'm definitely headed in the right direction.

This morning I did it, I got up at 5am and went to the gym with Kyle!  My training is heading into INSANE mode, all by my own choices, but I'm ready for the challenge.  I am beginning my half marathon training this week!  I will be splitting up my runs by running in the morning and lifting in the evening, or lifting in the morning and running in the evening.

I will run Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Wednesday, no runs on leg days which are Tuesday and Friday BUT I will do some other form of cardio on Thursdays.  Yes that means no rest days, I will continue to do this unless I start to lose too much weight and can just stick to my runs.  One of my run days I will do the 3-4 miles in sprint intervals, gotta get some HIIT in there!  Thursday will be more of a steady state cardio on the step mill, I'm addicted to that damn machine.

My lifts take me over an hour with my warm up and cool down, that is why I prefer to do them in the morning and head out for a nice 3-4 mile run right after work, less time away from home when Bella is up.  I just can't wait for it to get nice out when we can all be outside and we can run to the park, she and Kyle can play there and I will pick them up for a jog on the way back home :)

Posing and t-walk practice has begun as well.  I just FEEL so much more confident, in every way.  I'm so much wider up top it is very easy to get into the front and back poses, my arms just want to be there anyway :)  Side pose I've got DOWN, my booty is popping out so much, it is way, way better than it was.

Yesterday I told David I felt so much more confident than I did before the last competition.  He told me he can see it clearly, he is happy to finally see me actually strutting with some sass on my t-walk and hitting those poses HARD.  
Love feeling so AWESOME this far out!  Here is a little photo from Saturday of posing practice, tummy already lost its fluff ;)  I really love that on the side pose you can see my butt AND my hamstrings sticking out, yes, yes, yes!!!

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