Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Our Dream, Our Passion

My husband and I have been involved in fitness our entire lives.  His passion was soccer he played throughout high school and played for Coe College here in Iowa.  That was back when I met him, we had so much in common and I am blessed that he chose to stay here in Iowa with me rather than going back to Oregon where he grew up.  My passion was track and volleyball and then I found weight training.

Throughout our life together he searched for a good fit but just couldn't find the right gym to train with.  He also worked for nutrition stores such as GNC and Complete Nutrition, great places just still not what he truly wanted to do.

A few years ago when he became the GM of Kosama, a gym that was brand new to us, we never could have imagined the path it would take us down.  Kosama is a group fitness gym that teaches kickboxing along with kettle bell and TRX strength training.  This style of training was new for both of us we were accustomed to the "standard" style of strength training in the gyms we belonged to.

Both of us fell in love with this new style of training, while keeping our standard strength training in the mix as well.  Kickboxing has become my favorite form of cardio, there is nothing like hitting and kicking a bag to some awesome music surrounded by amazing people who are all pushing each other to do their best.  We were so blessed that the owners saw such potential in Kyle and I working together, they could see we were both so passionate about fitness and offered us to take over.  One of our biggest dreams ever, that we never thought would be possible had been presented to us.

We were honestly scared but more excited than scared.  Kyle and I knew between the two of us we could create something truly amazing.  As time has gone on we've added our own personal touches to Kosama Cedar Rapids.  Kyle runs his own little camps that include K-Performance which is the personal training portion of our gym.  We work with athletes from soccer players to Spartan racers to figure competitors and more.  

Watching people transform themselves and learn to live a healthier lifestyle while having fun and not being crazy restricted when it comes to food is indescribable.  We believe in eating to live, you can eat your favorite foods and still meet your fitness goals.  The nutrition side is my own personal passion, I love creating meal plans and am working towards educating myself more because you can never know enough about nutrition!  Our community of trainers/coaches, members and clients is a close community.  Every single person supports one another, we cheer each other on at races, games and in the gym.

I am blessed, we are blessed.  The video below was made by our dear friends Arsalan and Krystal Monawar who own Monawar Studios.  Their incredible talent and vision created this amazing short video showing snippets of all we do.  We made this almost two years ago, much has changed since then but this still gives me chills and makes me so proud my heart could burst.

KOSAMA | #WeAreKosamaCR from Monawar Studios on Vimeo.