Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tire Flips, Chicago and Volleyball

I've been doing some fun things lately, I love having a variety of activities to challenge my body and mind!

Kosama is very challenging, I truly wish I was able to go there every day but with half marathon training and weight training I am happy to make it there about twice a week.  There is a big summer challenge going on, I can't participate for prizes since my husband is the GM but I still love the big challenge days.  Sundays have been the extra workouts, I LOVE the members and the support they show one another.  Their enthusiasm, respect and encouragement help each and every one of them KILL their workouts!

Tire flipping is something I've been wanting to do for a long time.  It really works every part of your body but really gets the shoulders and core working.  My form was not the best my first time, I let my back get a bit too rounded and ended up using my leg to help flip the tire, although it was the bigger tire and after a long workout :)  My husband got some video, I promised I would start posting videos and believe me there will be many more!  Here we go with my first video :)

Last week I was able to go to Chicago for a visit with my soul sister and her mom.  Her mom goes every June for work and she got a suite at the Ritz Carlton with two beds and invited me to join them.  I was so grateful, it had been four years since I had last spent time with Stephanie.  We met when we were 19 and both of us were living in Seattle.  We immediately became the best of friends, so many things in common it is scary and we are connected in a way that is so extremely rare.

During the trip we did some workouts at the hotel gym, which was very well equipped!  We also went for a run on the Lake Shore trail, it was so beautiful!  It rained when we were there but we still really enjoyed ourselves.  My run was a good one and I start my next round of half marathon training this week.  

We enjoyed some amazing food while we were there as well, I could not pass up the eggs benedict, WOW.  We truly felt like spoiled princesses at the Ritz Carlton, everything we ate was delicious and the coffee was so good.  We did go out one night for dinner at Mia Francesca's, some of the best food I have ever eaten.  It was a wonderful trip!

When I returned I had a double's tournament to play in Friday night.  Chris and I did fairly well, we could have played better but things don't always go as planned.  My brother and sister were on a team as well it was fun getting to play them.

After four hours of doubles on Friday and my regular doubles and four's Sunday night my back was really feeling it yesterday.  So I decided to take Monday off but I am looking forward to a 3 mile run on my lunch hour today :)

My next half marathon is in just 11 weeks, I plan on getting all of my training in now that my abs are finally feeling better.   My chiropractor is truly amazing and after adjusting my legs which led to adjusting my pelvis I am having no issues.

I feel like my goals are kind of scattered all over the place at the moment so I am taking things one day at a time.  Running and volleyball are at the top of my list for priorities but I will get some lifting in too, 2016 competition season will come up quickly!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Dam to Dam Half Marathon

I did it, I ran the Dam to Dam half marathon!

Heading into this race I knew my performance would not be at the level I wanted.  Due to my inconsistent training because of my ab issue and running on just about 3 hours of sleep.  Despite those issues I was excited and looking forward to the race.

Friday night my nephew Reggie graduated from high school, my sister Jenn (who ran the race with me) and I went to the graduation at 7pm and headed to Des Moines after 10pm.  We didn't make it to our brothers house until after 12am and we had to be to the buses heading to the dam at 5am.

When I first woke up I felt horrible but once we were on the bus and surrounded by other runners I started feeling excited and more awake.  It was a chilly morning, about 55 degrees, windy and it was sprinkling.  When we got to the dam we met up with my bestie Shalae, huddled under some trees and tried to stay as warm as we could before the race began at 7am.

Shalae and I have now officially ran three half marathons together.  After our first one we said we would never do it again, but after giving it another go we really do enjoy them :)

Shalae ran with another one of her friends and I ran with Jenn.  My pace was slower than normal but it worked out perfectly because I got to run with Jenn the entire race.  The cool weather felt awesome, it was packed at the start of the race on the two lane road of the dam but that helped block some of the wind :)

I really felt good most of the run, my lungs were great it was my legs that gave out in the end.  I only ran 30 miles in April and 28 miles in May, not good mileage at all!  My legs gave out at mile 12, after that it was completely mental just repeatedly telling myself I could run that last 1.1 miles.  Jenn started picking up the pace and I stayed back.

Not my best race but I did run the entire time and my official time was still faster than my first half marathon.  I was so proud of Jenn, this was her first half marathon and she was terrified, but she did AWESOME!!!

We have already decided we will be running the NewBo Half Marathon in Cedar Rapids in September.  I WILL get in the proper training for that one!

My brothers Larry, John and John's girlfriend Elizabeth came to cheer us on.  I stayed in Des Moines that night and had a great time at The Wine Experience enjoying some pasta and wine.  We ended the night with a competitive game of Monopoly :)  

I headed home on Sunday feeling good and played sand volleyball for two hours Sunday night.  I've rested up this week so far and am looking forward to getting into a real training routine with my running and weights.  Time to start working toward new goals :)