Wednesday, October 11, 2017

A Familiar Journey Begins

Setting goals for 2018 has begun!  I will be training to compete in Figure and also running another half marathon.  These two goals came about in a way that makes them feel "meant to be".

The half marathon I am running is the Dam to Dam in Des Moines.  I have ran this race before and it is my favorite half marathon.  Starting off out in the country and heading into Des Moines, it is such a beautiful run and fairly flat.  The community is always out supporting the runners and I get to run with family and friends.  This is the last Dam to Dam half marathon which really pushed me to decide to run it.  I am sad the race is coming to an end but I look forward to running it!

After fully deciding on my goals I was hit with another little speed bump.  I had a bad cold and decided to go to a walk in clinic a couple of weeks ago.  The doctor said I had a virus but became concerned because my right thyroid was swollen.  In 2011 I had a biopsy done on a nodule in my thyroid, it was benign and I haven't had any issues.  My labs all came back normal so the doctor scheduled me for an ultrasound the next day.  The day after the ultrasound I had an appointment with an ENT because there were two nodules in my thyroid.  The decision was made to remove my right thyroid, I am having the procedure done in November.  When the doctor removes the thyroid they will test the nodules for cancer and if either is cancer they will also remove the left thyroid.  Thankfully the chance of cancer is very slim and the hope is that my left thyroid will be able to fully function with the right thyroid removed.

It was a bit of a shock to me going from having a bad to cold to needing surgery to have my right thyroid removed.  The cold kicked my butt for the past two weeks but I finally started feeling better and made it to the gym last weekend for my first workout with the gal who will be competing with me next year.  It will be her first competition and I am so excited to be on this journey with her.

My attitude is back to "me vs. me" and that is where it needs to stay.  I have been tired and felt a bit beat down this year.  Learning to keep moving forward has been something I am working on without quitting.  Knowing I have a partner in this prep makes me more excited to compete again.  There is just something about surrounding yourself with positive, strong, good people and Tracy is exactly that type of person.

 There is a lot of work to be done, I feel quite a bit weaker from so much time off from weight training but I know the strength will come back.  Running has been on the back burner for quite a while and I will have to be patient with my progress but it will feel good to get back at it!


  1. I can only imagine how scary that visit to the DR turned out to be! Hope all is ok. Do you find it hard to train for a half and a figure comp at the same time? I do lots of strength training too and sometimes I think all of my muscle makes me a slower runner

    1. I do find training for both difficult due to the time required for both. I've always had a lot of muscle so I don't really notice a difference in my pace. I am kind of excited to start running again, I just have to know it will be a slow process getting back to where I was.

  2. Good for you for setting goals for next year already. I can't think about next year, just trying to focus on the now. All the best with your surgery.

    1. I feel like the rest of this year is so busy with different activities that I had to set my goals for next year already :)

  3. I am SOOO sad Dam to Dam is ending! I have run it the past 10 years ....but I heard speculation that another company may (hopefully_ step in and take over the race. Gosh, I hope so! Good luck with all the upcoming strength training!

    1. Ooooh, I hope the rumor you heard is true!!! I couldn't believe it when I heard 2018 would be the last one, such a beautiful run!

  4. Wow. Most people would let this steamroll them into a sedentary life. Good for you for continuing to fight for your body and fitness.

    1. 2017 has not been my year, that's for sure. It helps having so many positive people around me, especially at our gym, the members are so encouraging and caring!

  5. How scary about your thyroid gland! Hopefully it is benign and everything will be fine. It stinks you have to wait that long to find out!

    1. Thank you! November will get here quickly with so much going on, it will be nice to have it all over with though.

  6. Oh my gosh, I hope there's nothing with this thyroid. Must be so scary.

    Good luck with the training. Sounds like you've got a nice challenge ahead of you!

  7. You prepare a lot for this challenge. Keep it up.

  8. Wow, what a scary piece of news to receive. Kudos to you for looking ahead after getting such heavy news. Keep up the positive attitude!
