Friday, January 8, 2016

Creating Goals for 2016

As we begin a new year just about everyone is working on creating resolutions and setting goals for themselves.  This can be daunting or it can be exciting!  A lot of times we put so much pressure on ourselves setting that goal of making this year completely life changing.  Sure there are people out there ready to do just that but there are also people out there that are setting smaller more achievable goals for themselves.  There is nothing wrong with either way as long as your heart is in it and you actually have fun along the way.  As long as you have a plan, good resources and lots of support anyone can achieve any goal or resolution they set for themselves.

Personally I find myself changing my own goals for 2016.  It has been slightly difficult, a little overwhelming but also finally exciting.  My mind has been constantly swirling with thoughts of competing.  First of all I LOVE it, I just truly enjoy the experience, watching my body change and working hard in the gym.  Secondly as a Complete Nutrition sponsored athlete I have felt that I HAVE to be actively competing, but in reality I don't.  As an athlete I do far more than compete, I am also a runner who participates in races and a volleyball player who plays sand volleyball six months out of the year, last year I participated in my first mud run.  I am more than just a figure competitor, I am an all around athlete who truly believes in the products I use from Complete Nutrition in EVERY sport I participate in.  If anyone is interested please check them out, they currently have a great deal where you can get 22% off of your first order.  My favorite product by far (and I've mentioned it before) is  3Plenish, I never run a race or play volleyball without it!

Dealing with injuries has been frustrating and is the reason behind my change in goals.  I planned on competing in the spring, a sprained wrist moved that to the fall, today I will find out if I have a stress fracture in my right foot, gah!  Time to be smart, listen to my body and that has led me to decide that I will compete when I am ready.  It may be this fall or I may take this year to just work on building what I have lost these past three months in a smart way and compete in 2017.  The stage isn't going anywhere and I know I have some serious work to do.

Sand season begins for me in April, there are no if's, and's or but's about it.  Once January hits I count down the days to the end of April because sand volleyball is by far my FAVORITE sport.  I don't think I can honestly put into words how much I love it :)  I've got a partner in doubles counting on me a my three teammates for four's, they support me and make me a better athlete our time together is something I cherish so much.

The above image really speaks to me, my goals have become all of the above, specific, measurable, achievable, REALISTIC and time based.  We have to be real with ourselves and know what we can truly handle which means being completely honest with ourselves.  One other goal I set and will complete soon is getting my degree as a nutritionist, simply for myself.  So that I am wiser and more knowledgeable when it comes to fueling my body for any sport and cutting for competition.  If I can help others in the end that will just be a huge bonus!

Here's to 2016, may we all have realistic goals and have a healthy, happy year full of fun and rewarding achievements!


  1. Sounds like a great plan. We need to definitely be realistic with our goals and evaluate where we are at right now.

  2. Steph you've got an exciting year planned. I hope your suspicions about the stress fracture are unfounded and you're able to move forward injury free.

    1. Thank you! I just found out the tendons in my foot are strained so I have to wear a boot for two weeks, much better than a stress fracture! :)

  3. Oh no I had a stress fracture last year ugh. I like your strategy and how you are able to modify your goals and be smart. Happy training

  4. This is awesome. You have a plan and thats the first part of being able to achieve your goal.

  5. I sure hope you don't have a fracture in your foot. Been there twice, and let's just say no thanks. Fingers crossed!

  6. Sounds like a great plan - putting v'ball first because you love it will make you happier than putting the focus on other sports. Hope your foot heals quickly.

  7. I love the image with SMART goals...totally smart!! I didn't realize sand volleyball was such a big thing, I played volleyball in high school LOL I was not great, by any means, but it was a sport that I wasn't totally pathetic at doing. Good luck with all your healing, I look forward to following your journey through 2016 ;-)

  8. Sorry to hear about having injuries. Cheers to an epic and injury free 2016!

  9. Being realistic with goals is super important. If your goals aren't realistic, then its unlikely that you'll be successful in reaching them.

  10. persistent is a great word for my goals this year. :)
