Monday, April 4, 2016

Running * Lifting * Wondering

Lately I have found myself in this constant loop of knowing what I want to do but am also feeling pulled in other directions and ending up a bit lost.

My main goal is to build muscle mass for 2017, that is my greatest hearts desire.  Second on my list is to continue running and participating in races, this is proving to be difficult.  Runs have been slow, my body feels heavy and it has been crazy windy here.  I truly do feel like this...

Although that basset hound is dang cute running his little legs off ;)  My first race of the season is Saturday, an 8k which will thankfully not be too bad for me AND it is just two laps around a beautiful lake in Des Moines.  I am running with my brother, well to be honest we are running the same race and he will be far ahead of me :)  And after my run I actually looked like this...

I know it will get easier but this is the roughest start to running I've ever had.  I try to think of all the tips I've read, find inspiration from others because I do know that it WILL get easier and more enjoyable again.

Where I feel pulled in a different directions is with the gym my husband works at.  It is AMAZING, it makes me happy and the people I work out with are incredible!  My dilemma is that although I truly enjoy it there for my own personal goals to work toward competing again, I have to stick with my lifting schedule.  I LOVE lifting heavy and having a very strict schedule when it comes to my lifting days.

So that leaves me with lifting 5-6 days a week, currently running four days a week and hoping to add in a Kosama class once a week.  In my ever working mind I feel I can find balance somehow with all of this.  I just happen to truly enjoy doing way too many things!

Sand volleyball begins on April 24th so that adds in two hours of volleyball on Sundays.  This is by far my favorite sport and I cannot wait to get started!  My sweet Bella also wants us to start doing some family workouts at Kosama on Sundays, which I am THRILLED about.  Oh and she would like to start running with me, but only when I do 2 mile runs, which I really don't so I need to fit that in somewhere.

I get it life is busy, I am in awe of so many people I see accomplishing so many different things.  My sense of organization is not the best, I am working on it but it is hard.

I work a full-time job, that I truly enjoy.  My daughter is in dance, she is ready to start track and any other sport we can get her into.  This leaves me realizing the best plan is to lift in the mornings before work, eventually get that 1-2 mile run in with Bella and our dog Hurley after my lifting.  Leave my longer runs for after work and add in a Kosama class once a week on a non running day.

Life is about living and enjoying it while we can.  Anyone able to pass on some ideas and send me positive vibes of organization is greatly appreciated!  Living healthy and active truly is a joy even if figuring it all out can be a bit stressful at times.  Bella helps me to see that I am doing things right, she supports me and appreciates what I do at home too and so does my husband.  Her little eyes help me stay on track and be truly motivated, I can't wait to start enjoying more of these activities with her.


  1. You do have a busy schedule! What is Kasama class? Is that a type of yoga?

    1. It is a kickboxing gym but they do kettle bell and TRX as well. I would plan on doing just the kickboxing day since I'm already weight training. It is a really fun gym!

  2. I'm an ultra runner and a personal trainer. Throughout my career, I've always flip flopped on my focus. Some seasons I want to lift heavy, set PR's, put on muscle. Other times I want to train for races. I too struggle with finding balance between the two, it always seems I have to focus on one OR the other, but never both. You aren't alone!

    1. You ROCK! I cannot imagine the training you need to do for ultra races, kudos to you! I'm glad to know I am not alone :)

  3. I feel like every day is a juggling act--between training, working, and motherhood--it's amazing we all get it in!

    1. It really is amazing we get it all in, that's why we are all super women! :)

  4. Wow. It sounds like you have a busy and active schedule. I try to make it to the gym at least 4 times a week, and I also take one dance class a week. I have three little boys, so it's a little harder to squeeze more than that in. I wish I had some organization or time management suggestions, but I could use some myself :)

    1. I guess just fit in what we can and when we can! :)

  5. Lifting heavy can sometimes make your legs feel heavy during running. It is a balance to find what works the best. You are definitely a busy lady!

    1. Yes lifting heavy has a large affect on my legs, I try to have my leg day four days before my long run days. I just enjoy doing so many different things, the warmer seasons are definitely busier for me!

  6. I've switched my focus between lifting and running for the past few years. I currently have running goals and strength goals. It's hard to fit it all in, but I like mixing it up and having a focus in each realm of my fitness. I also find that the lifting helps my speed!

    1. My main goal is always strength training but I enjoy running in the warmer weather, running half marathons with family and friends is just too fun not to do it :)

  7. Way to go for fitting in your fitness, despite being a busy working mom!

  8. I am the same as you... I want to do EVERYTHING! Now that our weather is warm I am adding golf and tennis to the mix and that really complicates things!

    1. I love tennis! I'm not very good but occasionally my husband and I will play for fun.

  9. Dang girl. Way. to. go. I've accepted that I'm kind of a jack-of-all, focus-on-none kind of person. I take up so many different fun projects, hobbies, goals. I have major problems prioritizing. And at the end of the day, I either accept that I get to have fun playing at different things (like running, plus oly lifting, plus hiking, plus HAM radio, woodworking, guitar/piano, DIY home projects, sewing, blah blah blah blah)...and therefore never really truly accomplish anything amazing in one area.....OR, I take a season where I only focus on a few things and force myself to back-burner all other interests until I've reach certain goals. Then in the next season I swap things around. That tends to be more satisfying because I can conquer bigger goals and feel more accomplished. Struggle is real tho.

    1. Thank you :) You are just as busy or busier than I am! I have other hobbies as well and each project does take quite a while since I'm jumping from one to the other :)

  10. there just are never enough hours in the day, no matter how hard we try. You're doing an amazing job finding balance, and what a great example you are setting for your daughter! The fact that she wants to join you is a testament to that!

    1. You are so right, there are never enough hours in the day! Thank you so much I love that my girl is ready to do some activities with me, makes it even more fun :)

  11. I always feel like I'm being pulled in countless directions. But I just do my best to fit in as much as I can.

  12. Isn't finding balance that one ting that just seems to always be out of reach? I think "balance" is something unique to each of us, so I don't know if there's one "perfect" solution (??). I am NOT an expert (in any capacity LOL), but I can't help but wonder if the heavy lifting is what's affecting the running issues? You have amazing muscle tone, but muscular legs weigh more than "skinny, runner legs" and probably take a lot more energy to "move fast." I know a gal who is close in height to me, but has zero muscle tone, and is a lot faster than myself. Both of us are happy with who we are and what we have....but I've got 20 more pounds of muscle to propel across the finish line, so in some ways I'm at a bit of a disadvantage regarding speed. I'm not willing to starve myself and lose any of my muscle tone, though,so I would not want to trade places ;-) Chin UP! YOU've got an amazing thing going on with your lifting!!

    1. Thank you! I agree that the extra muscle might be what is affecting my running issues, definitely with longer runs anyway. When I do track workouts I have no issue, but I was a 400m runner in high school and still love doing repeats as fast as I can :) Lifting is something I will never quit doing, I enjoy it way too much and I like my muscles :)

  13. Sounds like a tough schedule to balance, but I'm sure you'll work it out. For me, lifting is always the piece that falls off the schedule and I need to get better about NOT letting that happen.

    1. For me it is always running that falls off the schedule, I need to get better about that!

  14. You are busy! I think if you are enjoying it all, then it's worth it :)
    I have found that lifting had made such a improvement in my running.

  15. Good for you for finding the time to lift and run! I find it so hard. I love lifting heavy too but just cannot balance it with running and therefore just end up running because I'm tired afterwards and don't end up lifting. Any tips??

    1. If I am lifting on a running day I always lift first and run afterwards, or I separate the workouts and lift in the morning and get my run done on my lunch hour of after work.
