Monday, June 20, 2016

Training with Bella

There is nothing better than training with my daughter.  Do you work out with your kids?

We are currently training for the Squaw Creek Army Challenge with some extra classes twice a week at Kosama.  There is a park just a half mile away from the gym that we run to.  It is so much fun doing various exercises on the playground equipment.  Who knew how tiring it could be running up playground equipment?

The workout consisted of step ups on benches, push ups, using baby swings as TRX for rows and of course getting through the playground equipment.  That was followed by a run back to the gym for some kettle bell exercises, TRX and battle ropes.  It was a great workout, I am so proud of everyone that made it and am especially proud of our Bella for pushing herself and doing amazing!

I have finally made it to a point in my life where I am once again happy with my training routine and not feeling too tied down by any certain goal.  My goals have all combined and everything is in harmony.

Being a part of such a wonderful, supportive community of awesome people at Kosama has made a big difference.  Working out with Bella when we can is just the BEST!  She is eager to learn proper technique and wants to be strong like her mom and dad.

This is balance, this is our life and I am loving it.


  1. I love being able to workout with my mom. It's great time to spend together and also feel like we are doing some good for ourselves :)

    1. I am thrilled that she loves working out together, I have visions of us playing doubles in sand volleyball when she is older :)

  2. I love that you are working out with your daughter! What a great role model you are. just love it!

    1. Thank you! It makes me so happy that she truly enjoys it :)

  3. That is great to have your daughter along...following your example ;-) I'm still working on my kids (almost 22, almost 19, 16-1/2). Our son (the middle kid) is on the swim team at his college, and he ran cross country for one season while in HS...I've finally gotten him to consider doing a tri! I caught him googling tri's on the computer recently ;-)

    1. That is great, I hope your son does do a tri! She likes to run too but I've backed off on that for the time being. I do see us playing doubles in sand volleyball when she is older, gotta keep myself healthy so that can happen :)

  4. I was able to run the majority of a half marathon this weekend with my mom (she's faster than I currently am) and I truly enjoyed it.

    1. That is wonderful! Bella enjoys running too but I've taken a step back from running for now. I am so happy she likes doing other training too :)

  5. That is so wonderful that your daughter wants to exercise with you! I keep trying to get my family to, but they won't have any of that. :D

    1. She really does love it and it benefits her for dance, she is stronger dancer and she feels more confident.

  6. I think that it's so great that you work out with your daughter! Not only will it assure her future fitness, it's such a great way to bond and keep that close connection.

    1. Thank you! We do have an incredible connection which I know will get stronger as we continue to stay healthy together as a family :)

  7. sounds great! I love running with my kids! My daughter and I are running a summer 5K series together and it just puts a smile on my face!

    1. We have ran a couple of races together, I just love it!

  8. Kids learn what they live. I love when little man wants to be a part of the active things we are doing. Today, when he got home from karate camp, he wanted to teach me his combinations and one of his routines. I loved that time we shared together.

    1. That is awesome, I love it when they are excited to show you what they have learned :)

  9. That is so awesome that you and your daughter are training together, I loved the video! Glad to hear that everything's in good balance!

  10. I love classes that make fitness challenging and fun. How cool that your daughter is doing it with you. My kids aren't much into fitness right now.

    1. She really enjoys it and my husband is our trainer, she loves having both of us involved.

  11. You are setting such a great example for your daughter! I wish my boys would work out with me. When they were little they would do yoga with me. But now? No way!

    1. I love yoga, she has tried it a couple of times but still isn't ready to do it regularly.

  12. This is awesome! My daughter is 5 and really getting into wanting to workout with me. I can totally see this being us in a few years!

    1. You have a lot to look forward to, such great bonding time when you sweat and work hard together :)

  13. My kids have zero interest in working out with me LOL. I can get my older on to walk short races with me, but my younger one only wants to workout if there is a soccer ball involved.

    1. Bella loves to play soccer with her dad too, he trains us at Kosama and she loves that family time at the gym :)

  14. So glad to hear that you've found balance and a happy place with your training. This is something that so many of us struggle with. I'll admit, I very often feel as though I'm not doing enough, mainly because I feel limited by the lack of time that I have.

    1. There really is never enough time. Most days I feel a bit stressed fitting everything in but the workouts help ease my anxiety. I am more balanced than I was a couple of months ago though :)

  15. Looks like you two had a blast!

  16. My mom and I run together most days so I totally feel ya on working out with your daughter. It's such a great experience, so many memories, and great bonding time!

    1. I love hearing that! I plan to stay in good health so Bella and I can always train together and hopefully someday play some sand volleyball when she is older.

  17. This is great! I tried to recruit my older daughter to run, but I was not successful. I still get another try with the little one!

    1. I am grateful that she really enjoys the same physical activities that I do, I hope she never gets tired of working out with her mom :)

  18. Awesome! It sounds good when you and your daughter can practice together. I get used to training with my son. Working out is really good. Like that, he is always healthy. ^^
