Well I'm finally back at it and ready to blog about once again, getting in shape :) I haven't been completely lazy, still playing sand volleyball on Sunday nights (the season is over in two weeks), plus I've played in some tournaments.
The last tournament I played in was a 4's tournament I played with my brothers Larry and John plus John's girlfriend Liz. We won!!!! We got long sleeved t-shirts and some money :) It was quite the night of volleyball, we started at 6:30 pm and were finally done at about 12:45am. The last few games my IT band was KILLING me!!!! Saturday morning I had to lift my leg with my arms to get out of bed, it was awful. That morning I also had a two mile walk, it was a fundraiser to raise money to buy hay for the horse group I volunteer for. The walk helped a bit, Bella and my dad did it with me and Bella made it the whole two miles with no problem :)
That night I did an ice massage on my left leg and Sunday my IT band felt all better, the secret is lots of stretching and ice massages!
So Kyle and I decided on Sunday it was time to make more time for each other, we never go on dates. I know we have no excuse really, well we need some extra cash for dinner dates so those are out ;) We decided to start running together, it has been since June that I've ran and Kyle is just starting. We ran 20 minutes last night, quite the slow pace, but we did it. We ran 1.8 miles and it felt amazing, now to just keep at it, but I know we can do it!!! I'm running the relay marathon in St. Louis in April so it's time to get ready for that, four girls running 7 miles each, much better than 13.2 miles ;)
Again eating really well is kind of hard for me, but I'm doing better. I found a recipe to make homemade protein bars, thank you Pinterest! They are super yummy, a bit sticky but I just leave them in the plastic wrap I put them in after I cut them up while I eat it so they don't get my fingers all sticky.
Here's to getting back in shape and hopefully staying that way, I've got more than a year to prepare for next years fitness show. Trying to get in the mindset that nothing will stand in my way this time around :)
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