Thursday, December 5, 2013

All Better!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to my AMAZING chiropractor Dr. Swope at Chiropractic Health Care Associates!!!  He got me all fixed up today :)

My muscles weren't nearly as tight he was able to adjust my hips, neck, back, shoulders and after discussion about my elbow he checked my arms and those were a bit out of socket as well.  I'm so glad he checked my arms!

I feel like a new woman, no lifting today of course but I am cleared to start back tomorrow.  The heavier lifting is pushing my body to new limits and I HAVE to keep a better eye on myself.  I will be seeing Dr. Swope once a month just to make sure everything is in place and of course if I'm having any issues again.

This is where people will say something like, "see, working out can be bad for you, especially how much you are doing!"

No working out is not bad for you, it takes time for your body to adjust to any change in your workout.  Clearly I made a bad choice by not going to see my chiropractor right away when I had the pain in my elbow and chose to continue lifting with it.

Lifting heavier is an adjustment for my body, after four weeks of it and getting adjusted I'm hoping I won't have any issues once I start back up.  We all have to listen to our bodies, some bodies aren't built to lift heavy and if I'm ever told that I will stop.

Thankfully I was not told that, but rather that I'm in amazing shape, continue lifting heavy and follow my dream, BUT listen to what my body is telling me and get adjusted, a massage or rest when I need to.

I'm eating like crazy, I love the Fighter Diet, a bit shocked by the amount of veggies I'm eating but boy does it fill me up.  I am not hungry following this plan and the cravings don't hit me like they did before.  Weight wise I'm a bit high for where I would like to be, I blame that on Thanksgiving and overindulging on massive amounts of pecan pie.  Feeling like I can lose 3-4 pounds in the next couple of weeks though and I'll be right back on track :)

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