I am so glad this day is finally here. It has been an up and down week that's for sure.
I took Bella to visit my Grandma yesterday, she still hasn't been able to eat anything but she was able to drink some 7up. She is one tough lady, we were able to actually talk yesterday and she just loved seeing Bella. I love how sweet Bella is with her and loving, it warms my heart. I truly feel we will be seeing her on Sunday when we get back from Des Moines and we'll be able to tell her how Carley and I did.
Last night was the big shaving night, we all know how horrible that was last year. Kyle had to work until 9pm so I had all this free time, like two hours! I made my steak and asparagus that I get to eat for dinner tonight, packed up everything I could. We look like we will be gone for a week! I can't help it, taking all the food I will need, supplements, food for Bella, snacks for the ride home, oh I can't wait to dive into some sweet chili Doritos! Lots of clothes, I have no idea what I want to wear on Sunday, the weather is ever changing here.
So back to the shaving, this time I took a nice hot bath and it made the process so much better! Although I just noticed a little patch of hair on my arm, that will get shaved when I get home, too much not to! It was a relaxing experience this time around, still took a while but it gave Kyle and I time to chat about the amazing progress I've made :)
Today I am slowly carb loading, only 55 grams of carbs today though. I was beyond happy to devour my protein waffles this morning and am so looking forward to a Cookie Dough Quest bar tonight, YUMMY!!!!!
Tonight will be a bit crazy. My polygraph is at 4:30, check in is at 6:30 and Carley's polygraph is at 7:30. We'll get one coat of Jan Tana on before we go to check in and get two more coats on tonight. Hopefully we are ready for bed by 11pm, although I know we won't sleep much. It is hard to get the mind to quiet down at this point, I slept horribly last night. Good thing we'll have so much adrenaline running through us and coffee to keep us going all day :)
So blessed to share this experience with Carley tomorrow and my amazing family. Really looking forward to the next 48 hours!!!
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