This week I went up to four sets and 8-10 reps, back to the heavy weight! I didn't mind lifting lighter weights with more reps for a few weeks but I'm not gonna lie, I really prefer lifting heavy :)
Today I felt so STRONG and really pushed myself. I want to see some real growth over the next few months! I've been lifting alone, I can't wait for when Kyle is able to start going with me again and pushing me even harder. I find myself constantly correcting my form and really thinking about each muscle I'm working as I lift. I do miss my trainer though, just anxious for schedules to get set and get into more of a normal routine again.
My nutrition has been pretty good, still need to eat more though. I hadn't had sweet potato in quite a while and added that in again this week. I forgot how much I love sweet potato :) I cooked them in a crock pot on Sunday, I will never cook them another way again! Just wash them, poke some holes in em and thrown them in the crock pot for 6-8 hours on low. SO easy and I was able to use the oven during that time for other yummy stuff like chicken breast and roasted veggies.
I've gotten used to the early morning workouts and man am I glad, I really do love getting it done in the morning and having the evenings completely free. As a mom, there really is no other way, unless I could get in my workouts during the day while Bella is at school but there is that little thing called work that needs me during the day :)
There are only three weeks left of sand volleyball :( I am anxious for the indoor season, hopefully I do alright, looking forward to having more of a vertical at least :)
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