I ended up with a ridiculous cold Friday morning, it was awful. My voice was so manly that it was actually freaking out Kyle a bit ;) I loaded up on Cold Eeze and Airborne, got lots of sleep and felt better Sunday morning!
Volleyball was awesome on Sunday, although we had no wins in doubles we still played really well. The team we played is undefeated, I had some awesome hits and that makes me happy. My confidence is finally coming back and it really helps having such a supportive doubles partner :) Four's we only won one, should have won more but that's alright, I think it was the last weekend for the 1st session and 2nd session starts next weekend!
I began my training with Mondays off, no more. My body has gotten used to the diving and running in the sand with volleyball and it's time to be lifting four days a week.
I really was surprised by how ready I was to get up at 4:30 this morning, Kyle was a bit sluggish but all he has to do is tell me what exercise to do and make sure I have good form :)
I truly love the new gym we are at, they were of course very, very welcoming, super nice and are looking forward to having someone there that is training for a figure competition. Thank you Northland Fitness for being so awesome, we love everyone we have met that works there!
Because it has been about two weeks since I last lifted, today Kyle had me doing just one set of each exercise to fatigue. I felt awesome and unstoppable and then I hit a wall, but I did get a lot accomplished! I was happy that I am still able to do bicycles for my abs with my arms in the air :)
I'm thinking my little break was actually good for me, I feel more motivated and ready to go than I did before. I did gain a little bit of weight, I'm up to 144 right now and am hoping that I'll lose a couple of pounds fairly quickly.
So happy to be back at it, 19 weeks to go!
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