Friday, April 25, 2014

Feeling AH-MAZING!!!

It is insane what a good nights sleep can do for you!  I was bound and determined to sleep well last night, took some ibuprofen for my sore right knee, drank some nighty night tea, had some sleep aid and I actually slept, YAY!

I was tired anyways after a kick ass elliptical HIIT workout on my lunch hour yesterday.  It was more intense than usual, all because I forgot my shoes!  Seriously, I have no idea why I even took them out of my bag, you can imagine my shock when I realized I didn't have them.  I didn't let that stop me though, my feet were a bit sore afterwards.

I decided I needed to rest last night and not lift.  I've basically been lifting each body part twice a week at this point.  I knew that tonight I would be lifting arms, tomorrow will be chest and back AND a 9 mile run, then Sunday will be shoulders and finally SAND VOLLEYBALL!!!!!!!  Playing doubles and four's again, to say I'm excited for opening weekend is an understatement.

I woke up this morning feeling like a new woman.  I feel refreshed, energized and ready to take on these last two weeks.  This is when the big changes really start happening, my abs are really making their appearance and my quads are getting some new cuts in them.

I haven't done the best on my posing practice, I know that is horrible but it is true, this weekend it's time to put on the suit and practice, practice, practice!

Currently I am at 136 pounds, we will do my bodyfat on Sunday to see where I've ended up.  We have a new plan in place for my peak week.  I will slightly increase my carbs in the beginning of the week and taper them off towards the end.  I will not be cutting water or sodium, my body just seems to respond best to all of this.  

I'm happy that I get to try out the small carb increase this weekend and see how I do with it and then taper off starting Monday.

I just can't believe it TWO WEEKS!!!!!  No matter what I am truly proud of myself for all of the improvements I have made, trophy or no trophy I win because of the growth and improvements I've made.  Not only improvements with my body but the growth within myself, that is what is the most important.

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