Last night was a difficult night, it was dance night for Bella which meant being at the studio from 5:45pm until 8:00pm. It makes for a long night and I was craving some sweets hardcore. Between classes Bella and I ran to the gas station so I could get some dessert flavored gum, that is what it has come down to me chewing dessert flavored gum to hopefully help my cravings!
It didn't help all that much, a little bit, but I got home and was wanting something so, so bad. I complained to Kyle and he told me to just stay strong. You know this is my choice entirely to be taking this very difficult journey, I know that, I do. But I can be a big bratty baby at times, guess I'm glad I can admit to that so that I can apologize for it later ;)
Kyle told me I could have a protein shake, I got mad, stomped my feet and told him I didn't want something to drink I wanted something to EAT. I then proceeded to just go to bed, why not try to just go to sleep rather than think about food? Because sleep won't come when your mind is thinking about cake, cookies and your tummy is loudly growling at you.
I decided to just get up and have a protein shake, it helped, Kyle was right as usual. I apologized for being a big bratty baby, he told me it was ok, he is just trying to help me be strong. He knows this has to be extremely hard, especially for someone like me who has the personality of wanting something so I'm going to HAVE it. My will power has never been tested like this, NEVER. I think giving birth to Bella was easier than going through this process, I knew I was going to have the most amazing little girl in the end of that process. With this process I'm hoping all goes well and I get the outcome I'm hoping for.
I think one thing that makes this so hard is that its the first time I'm doing it, I hope in the future when I compete again (and yes I've already picked out my next competition) I will know more what to expect, it won't be such a guessing game and I will know what will be happening in the last few weeks.
My body changes really keep me going, actually seeing my abs now, it is amazing. I've always wanted to have abs and here they are, I will continue to get better as I stick with the plan and trust in Kyle and the process.
My beautiful niece Carley was wanting to know my ab routines, so here we go, enjoy them Carley :)
I do these Mon, Wed, Fri:
Crunchy Frogs or Bicycles - 25 reps
Pulse Ups - 25 reps
Oblique crunches - 25 reps each side
Crunches on stability ball, my lower back is in the middle of the ball so my upper body goes really low when I lay back - 25 reps
Leg lifts - 25 reps
Oblique bridge - 25 reps each side
Cross legged sit ups, lay with legs crossed, go straight up then touch the floor on the right side, straight up then touch the floor on the left side - 26 reps
Russian Twist - 50 reps
Plank - 1 minute
REPEAT one more time :)
Saturdays I do a HARD ab day.
Decline leg lift with pulse up - 25 reps
Stability ball crunches holding a 10lb medicine ball over my head - 25 reps
Pulse ups with 8lb stability ball between my feet - 25 reps
Plank - 1 minute
Leg lifts with 10lb stability ball between my feet - 25 reps
Windshield wipers with pulse up in the middle.
REPEAT one more time :)
And there you have it, my fun ab workouts. Also the HIIT workouts and especially hill sprints really help with the abs, looking forward to my hill sprints today because it is finally cool out and then about 5 hours of sand volleyball tonight, woo hoo!!! :)
Those abs are amazing! All that work has paid off and will continue to do so. Can't wait for your competition so you can show off all that hard work!