Thursday, September 5, 2013

Legs & Shoulders

Last night was a leg night with David.  I was feeling pretty exhausted, it was not a good choice of mine to do the HIIT workout I did on my lunch hour and then lift legs, oops.  I did increase the weight on my squats though, surprisingly my legs still aren't sore today, I don't know what I have to do to get them feeling sore!

Seated Calf Raise
115lb x 10 reps - 5 sets

Seated Leg Curl
70lb x 10 reps - 5 sets

Front Squats
50lb x 8 reps - 5 sets

Back Extensions
25lb x 12 reps - 5 sets

Barbell Lunges
40lb x 20 - 5 sets

Seated Leg Extensions
77lb x 10 reps - 5 sets

Barbell Dead Lift
70lb x 10 reps - 5 sets

Dumbbell Step Ups
50lb x 12 reps - 5 sets

Single Leg Glute Bridge
15 each side - 3 sets

I was pretty tired this morning but Bella has dance tonight so I HAD to get to the gym and I made it.  I was feeling tired again, it was shoulder day and I swear they were worn out after one set of exercises.  It was nice and quiet at the gym, one of my favorite things about going so early :)

Seated Barbell Military Press
65lb x 10 reps - 5 sets

Lateral Raise
12lb x 10 reps - 5 sets

Inverted Row
10 reps - 5 sets

Barbell Shrug
95lb x 10 reps - 5 sets

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
15lb x 10 reps - 5 sets

Upright Row
40lb x 10 reps - 5 sets

Five Angle Shoulder Flyes
6lb x 50 reps - 3 sets

Back Extensions
25lb x 15 reps - 3 sets

Nutrition change, no more meals after my dinner, I'll be adding in a small amount of chicken to my tilapia dinner, trying to get in more protein even without an evening shake.  

Last night I got some more protein and I got the cookies and cream flavor, super yummy and a nice change from vanilla :)

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